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A Spiritually Enlightening Online Magazine. January's Theme: "Path"
Volume 4 Issue 2 ISSN# 1708-3265
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21 Ways To Read A Tarot Card
Mary K. Greer

As usual Mary is one of our greatest teachers when it comes to the tarot. She assists the reader to find so many different ways to look at a single card, a complete reading, a small grouping of cards… which twists and turns your mind around to truly 'see' the potential within each card for a deeper understanding of your layout.

I like to choose a card I either don't understand very well or a card which I don't like… then using some or all of Mary's methods to gain a deeper understanding of the card (and usually of myself in the process!)

Recently I used some of Mary's techniques with my Advanced Tarot Class. The students found a great understanding of the court cards within that one 2 hour class! Her methods are tried and true with a good majority of tarotists worldwide.

If you have yet to experience her methods, I highly recommend you do! I read my first Mary K. Greer book almost 20 years ago and have read many more in the years since. I don't expect this to one be my last one.

Reviewed by
Aleesha Stephenson

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