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A Spiritually Enlightening Online Magazine. July's Theme: "Deadlines"
Volume 8 Issue 5 ISSN# 1708-3265

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Dancing with the Midwives: a memoir of art and grief
Ann Faison

Upon first hearing about Dancing with the Midwives, I experienced mixed emotions. On the one hand, I was excited that a book on this subject had been written, especially from personal experience rather than from a dry academic/research perspective ("These are the stages of grief that you will experience"). On the other hand, it opened a Pandora's box of hidden emotions within, and I wasn't sure that I was ready to face those just yet.

I found the book a quick read, but I'm hesitant to add 'easy'. Reading the personal account of a family's grief after the stillbirth of their child, I felt like I was intruding on their private journey. I realized it's part of our culture to leave those who are grieving undisturbed, especially if we don't know them well. We aren't well-versed in how to handle loss and grief, in how to support others who are grieving.

The book is superbly written; I've read it several times now and each time I gain new insight, new understanding, and a deeper sense of peace. Between the author's incredibly detailed (yet stark) illustrations, her poetry and the imagery of her stories, it was hard to put the book down. Reading the book the first time my eyes overflowed with tears of compassion and my heart wrenched as I grappled to come to terms with their loss. It is a book about loss and grieving, yes, but also a book of transformation and healing. Upon subsequent readings, I found myself coming to terms with unspoken fears and the book became a catalyst for the opening of conversations and the sharing of emotions previously left concealed.

I think any parent who has faced the loss of a child, either through miscarriage or stillbirth, or even those who have experienced infertility, will appreciate this book immensely. So often as a witness to another woman's (or another family's) grief, we feel at a loss as to what to say or what help we can offer. Ann Faison's Dancing with the Midwives is so incredibly well-written that it may very likely help another family on their own healing journey. It was written to be shared.

Reviewed by,
Nicole Gardner

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