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A Spiritually Enlightening Online Magazine. July's Theme: "Love"
Volume 10 Issue 5 ISSN# 1708-3265

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Three Feet Away
by Corinne MacEgan

Love. Such a huge word for four letters. A lot comes to mind when we hear, see or say the word. Let me tell you what love is to me in this moment….

My little sister is three feet away from me right now, covered in layers of thin, warm blankets which conceal the blue hospital gown and colourful tattoos. Her bright red hair is peeking out if the blankets, even more fiery from the awful fluorescent lighting. Her body twitches occasionally, either from light sleep or in irritation at all the noise in this area.

My mother is sitting next to me, wrapped in her own blanket, reading the newspaper. I'm almost positive she's read the same paragraph four times. She takes a peek at my sister every few minutes, and checks her watch.

Dad is at home, no doubt busying himself to pass the time, but he will come later after the procedure is over and my sister is in her room.

My eyes go from my phone to my mom, to my sister, and to the hypnotic drip of the potassium IV that is flowing into my sister's fragile veins. I should be studying my ECG rhythms but that's not as important as the beautiful girl lying in front of me right now.

My baby sister and I have had our moments, for sure, heated, ugly, full of ire and screaming. Haven't all siblings felt this rivalry and faux hatred? Doesn't all of that just vanish into thin air when you are faced with thoughts that need to be forced back or else your world will crumble?

The nurse is amazing. I've worked with her before at my hospital. The nurses that will receive my sister into the oncology unit downstairs are even more incredible. We are blessed to have them on our team. They are all included in our family, and that includes the word LOVE.

We can't fight this alone, see? Even as a nurse, I need help and a support system of my own. My family needs theirs, and my beautiful sister needs hers. When your family is sick, the staff, volunteers, physicians, and nurses all band together to be your rock. It's sadly not the case with many people, but we have been lucky. We have friends, too, that have been nearby when needed.

Think of the word LOVE in as many ways as you possibly can. See what your heart can come up with. It may not be bright red hearts and roses. It might be that determination and hope and prayer that is rooted so deeply in your psyche. It might be that pale leg with neon colours sticking out from under the blanket in front of you.

Corinne is a Bachelor's-prepared Registered Nurse and loves every minute she spends with her patients. Her goal is to bring awareness to the benefits of palliative and holistic care for all patients, and has thus begun her journey in Healing Touch certification. She plans on returning to school in the near future to earn her Doctor of Nursing Practice degree. In her "spare time", she enjoys sharing her creative spirit on her blog, Seeds of Coriander.

Corinne lives in California with two very spoiled kitties and her partner, Troy. She is also blessed to have her family nearby.

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