Timeless Spirit Logowalk your talk

A Spiritually Enlightening Online Magazine. May's Theme: "Vision"
Volume 2 Issue 4 ISSN# 1708-3265

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Walk Your Talk
with Aleesha Stephenson

Sometimes it takes the smallest voice to truly see.

As you all know, I started working outside the home because of a desire to do something different with my life. Something more tangible, which I felt would give me more interaction with people. Yes, I teach Reiki and meditation classes and so I have human contact in those areas but I was wanting more one-on-one time than my weekly classes were giving me.

I also felt that my role of being a full time mother was done. After all I have an 18-year-old daughter who is going off to discover life as an adult; and I suppose watching her stretch her wings made me look at my own wings and do some preening and pruning.

So off I went to our local pet store. I have a living zoo in my house, so why not assist others with the same disease to further their addictions into the animal kingdom one purchase at a time? After all, if I can be their new pet's voice, by assisting their new owners to create a better ecosystem and increasing their level of care then I feel good at the end of the day knowing I'm achieving something which is important to me on a soul level.

So off I went, day after day, 40 hours a week… of course the whole while still teaching my classes and publishing this magazine. Home schooling my kids became something I did while I got dressed for work and my hubby did the rest. I found day after day my level of exhaustion increased and my time with my kids became reduced as my days off were filled with wanting to sleep and fit the normal hours of creating TSM into those two short days.

All the while I knew my time at the store was limited. I didn't know it at first, but it became apparent to me. I was not to continue working there. So I waited on the will of heaven. I watched and listened and waited for the Goddess to give me the go-ahead, a sign to move on from where I was heading and back into my peaceful life filled with serenity, out of time and space, and into truly living. Waited… waited… waiting… what was She waiting for? Couldn't She see I was exhausted? Couldn't She see I needed to quit and put my health, physical and mental, first?

Everyone in my life told me to quit my job. I was waiting though… She had a plan and I was not going to let Her down. I was there, as a vessel for Her work. I had offered myself and my life up to Her - for Her purposes - when I dedicated myself to Her years ago, and that dedication was still very strong within me. I could not let Her down!

So as I spiralled ever deeper into sadness and patiently waited for Her to give me the sign I was looking for, my soul-sister Seva offered to send me a Reiki re-attunement to help me get centered and grounded. I eagerly accepted and got ready for the energy.

Sitting comfy in my bed I called the energy towards me. Ready, willing and able to take the attunement and knowing my Shamanic journeys were always very strong during these times, I eagerly awaited the conversation I was about to have with Her… perhaps I could get a little sneak peek at the sign?

I don't want to go into too many details of my experience but as I journeyed deep inworld, this is what I experienced.

"…I saw a little river being created in the sand… allowing my eye to follow it, I noticed a child was forming it. I sat down and found myself sitting beside my youngest daughter. As I looked into her eyes, she said, "Mommy I need you. My brother needs you. Please come home now."

That was it!!! I realized this is the "sign" I've been waiting for and yet, although they've been begging me to quit for months, I wasn't listening. The sign was there, I just wasn't giving it the weight it deserved… looking for something greater in meaning than simply… I'm their Mom and they need me home. I had decided my role as mother was moot. Not necessary. I had lived it too long and I was done… but for these two, they aren't done, so it means I'm not done. It was a 'light bulb' moment.

So, then She appeared. I told Her I felt as though I was letting Her down. Wasn't there more 'work' to be done at my work? And She replied, "Oh Aleesha, I will never ask of you anything which causes you such great anguish and pain. Please remember, I'm the Goddess, I can do what I need to, I can teach lessons without your assistance!"

Man did THAT bring me down to earth quickly… what was I thinking??? That I was needed in a job only I could do???? We all know that's pure ego and not 'sense' --- it was very humbling.

She ended my journey with words which will sit with me forever…

"Remember your dedication to Me is very important, but pain and suffering aren't part of My desires for you. Those are human desires, not divine ones."

So I went into work the next morning and handed in my resignation. It felt like a huge load had been lifted from my shoulders and yet a lot of wonderful lessons were taught to me, so I'm not regretting a single moment of the experience.

The most significant one of all was hearing The Goddess say Her intentions for me were not pain and suffering… that path was my choice, not Hers.

So, if you are experiencing a lot of the same in your life, remember to look at it and decide if you want to keep it, because this is definitely something we can't put on Her shoulders… it is, after all, our choice.

shared with light,

Aleesha Stephenson is the Publisher, Editor, Graphic and Web Designer as well as a Regular Columnist for Timeless Spirit Magazine.

She is also the Executive Director and Publicist for "Magi's Magick Spells".

An Eclectic Wiccan Practitioner, Reiki Master/Teacher and Faery Shaman, she home-schools two of her three spiritually enlightened children as her eldest has graduated and moved on to the school of life. Friend (and mother) to them all, she is also a life-partner to her husband David. Her life truly is filled with light.

You can contact Aleesha via email.

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