Timeless Spirit Logo     EDITORIAL

Volume 1 Issue 1 ISSN# 1708-3265

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an Editorial
by Aleesha Stephenson

Welcome to the Premiere issue of Timeless Spirit Magazine (TSM). Our theme is 'Opening' which is fitting since this is the first issue and it's also the beginning of a New Year (according to the cycles of the seasons).

As Publisher and Editor it's an honour to have such gifted writers sharing their knowledge and beliefs with our readers. Finding writers who are willing to twist and bend the allotted theme - taking it upon themselves to find their own definition - is so rewarding for me. When I read their voices, their sharings, I learn so much more about myself and the world around me.

The mission of this magazine is to enlighten and share spirituality with you, our readers. I hope you find we are doing just that!

So sit back, enjoy a cup of coffee and peruse our publication; and send us an e-mail letting us know what you like and what you don't. This magazine is for your benefit and it can only grow to better suit your needs with your input - so don't be afraid to share it!

Thank you for taking the time out of your day to enjoy my vision.

Now before I end this 'Illumination' I would like to take a moment to thank the wonderful people in my life who have supported me, comforted me and explained the many things I didn't understand about web design and graphic design.

Saying I was "overwhelmed" during the process of learning everything to create this magazine is such an understatement - it's like saying giving birth is a 'little uncomfortable for a few minutes'. Giving birth to this project was long, with hard intense labour pains, which lasted months. Fortunately, I had these people to lean on and learn from. Joe taught me about layers… onions have layers, parfaits have layers and graphics have layers! Tira taught me html code (as 99% of this magazine is hand-coded), created the template from my vision and answered more questions than you can imagine. Jay taught me the 'advanced stuff'. As a Web-God within his own right, he was kind enough to answer my questions and show me how to do some more advanced things which I just wasn't able to figure out myself. Once the magazine was actually ready to go online, Toria, Tira and Magi came in with their magickal "click the links" fingers, going through this issue more times than I can count looking for dead links and other little problems. There are more of you who assisted, listened and supported me. You know who you are and I thank you as well.

Now, that I'm done with my many 'thank-you's', please turn the page and enjoy this wonderful publication!

much light,

Aleesha Stephenson

Aleesha is the Publisher, Editor, Graphic and Web Designer as well as a Regular Columnist for Timeless Spirit Magazine. Head of the Publicity and Development Department of Elder Grove Press, and Executive Director and Publicist for Magi's Magick Spells. An Eclectic Wiccan Practitioner, Reiki Master/Teacher and Faery Shaman, she home-schools her three spiritually enlightened children and is a life-partner to David. Her life is filled with much light.

You can contact Aleesha at: TimelessSpirit@shaw.ca

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