Timeless Spirit LogoILLUMINATIONS

A Spiritually Enlightening Online Magazine. November's Theme: "Celebrate"
Volume 4 Issue 1 ISSN# 1708-3265
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An Editorial by Aleesha Stephenson

This issue is about celebrating. It's about embracing life, loving the people around you and - as it turns out - it's also about saying good-bye. Jeannette Roth has shared a beautiful tribute to her father in her column "Technically Tarot" and David Suzuki has written a wonderful tribute to *Steve Irwin. Of course, this issue like others, is unexpectly synchronistic - as our cover image is a celebration of Maddux's very short life. His mother, Cheryl shares their experience on the "About the Cover" page. Be sure to have some tissues with you, as this issue wasn't intended to be so emotional, but it certainly has turned out to be.

My staff and I have shed many tears while editing and proof-reading these tributesā€¦

So if you *Need a Hug please accept one from me! A dear friend sent this link to me right after my eldest daughter was in an almost fatal car accident earlier this month and it soothed my soul a great deal.

Pleaseā€¦ pull up a chair and get comfy while you read our issue - and then be sure to take some time in your own life to celebrate those you love!


* both links within this editorial are videos.

Know any teens who are spiritual? I am looking for teens interested in sharing their spiritual views and or practises in an upcoming issue. So teens, please contact me with your 500-1200 word article in a .doc format. I look forward to hearing from teens, from all over the world! It's going to be a GREAT issue!

We are always looking for new spiritual writers and artists. Please send your article submissions (in a .doc file), and your cover art submissions (in .jpg) to: Timeless Spirit Magazine.

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