Timeless Spirit Logo WYRD LYNX

A Spiritually Enlightening Online Magazine. November's Theme: "Celebrate"
Volume 4 Issue 1 ISSN# 1708-3265
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Wyrd Lynx

with John Sacelli

Under the commercial (commerce shell) overlay of Christmas, Yule, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa or New Year's lies the ancient acknowledgement of the Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year followed by the return of the light, or (re)birth of the Sun (Son) God. For those who prefer their deities in female form, Persephone, Kore and Inanna return from the underworld. The earth begins a new cycle. Out of death comes rebirth.

At least, that's tradition, that's the theory. But what happens when you don't die? When the lights and the TV and the computer never get turned off? When we use our technological elect trick to keep the lights on all night, all year long? When we set the winter thermostat at 72 degrees and the summer thermostat at 68 degrees (isn't it fun to thumb our noses at both gods and nature, and be warmer in mid-winter than we are in mid-summer?) When we ignore the Moon Cycles and the Sun Cycles, and our shops and our lives go on 24/7, 12 months a year?

Who pays the bills? Who balances the accounts? Does bright light at midnight end up with darkness at noon? Is our collective refusal to surrender, to enter the underworld, digging a grave for all of us? Will we all be taking our anti-depressants, our birth-control pills and our vitamin supplements when global warming tidal waves recapitulate the Great Flood?

While Santa Clause and his Eight Reigning Dears (presumably the G-8 list of industrialized nations) are sorting out who gets SUV's and who gets stockings with lumps of coal (either way, contributing to Global Warming), commercial meat markets are happy to sell us a b-rated, hormone-and-anti-biotic-stuffed ham or turkey for our hollow-day dinner. Have our lives become happier? Holier? Or just holey-er, more hollow, more bereft of meaning?

Well, we all have our ups and downs. My point being that the best way to avoid planetary disaster and species suicide is to do our own work, to develop our own birth and death cycles, to enter our own underworlds and surrender our old shells - whether that's recycling, or letting go of a grudge against mother or mate, exercising (giving your calories away), or just spending a little time with mother nature under her conditions, without the portable generator and the cell phone. If there's one thing life has taught me, it's that the light returns to us in direct proportion to our willingness to enter the darkness.

Which may be why, while the Winter Solstice is the time to celebrate the return of the light, in Jewish, Islamic and Pagan Traditions the Fall Equinox (Rosh Hashanah, Ramadan and Mabon) is the time of cleansing, of simplifying, of accepting limitation. The time of harvest and greatest fullness, yet also the time of willingness to do give-away. To accept the necessity of purification and surrender.

Have we made that act of surrender in our lives? Have we simplified and put ourselves into balance with life around us? Have we gone deep into our underworld? If so, then, in truth, we are ready to 'celebrate the return of the light'.

While experiencing a series of Shamanic Visions in the early 1980's, John Sacelli met his totem Lynx (links) who introduced him to a series of inter-dimensional, alternative and past life adventures, and also to 'Angelish, the Original Language'. Angelish is the basis for the angeLynx Oracle deck, which John has developed along with visionary artist Chris Deschaine. John has conducted workshops in Polarity Therapy, Kundalini Yoga, Deep Tissue Massage, Soul Circles, The Dreamtime and Shamanism across North America.

To learn more about the Vows of El, or Angelish, the Original Language, or the angeLynx Oracle Deck, go to www.angeLynx.com or www.johnsacelli.com. For an angeLynx or Star Logic reading, contact John via email or call: 773 761 0252.

Be sure to read the review of AngeLynx in our May 2006 Issue.

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