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A Spiritually Enlightening Online Magazine. November's Theme: "Escape"
Volume 10 Issue 1 ISSN# 1708-3265

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Walk Your Talk
with Aleesha Sattva


For one day (or one day a week), refrain from something you habitually do to run away, to escape. Pick something concrete, such as overeating or excessive sleeping or overworking or spending too much time texting or checking e-mails. Make a commitment to yourself to gently and compassionately work with refraining from this habit for this one day. Really commit to it. Do this with the intention that it will put you in touch with the underlying anxiety or uncertainty that you've been avoiding. Do it and see what you discover.

Excerpted from "Living Beautifully with Uncertainty and Change" - Pema Chodron, page 36.

A friend of mine did this. She gave up a game she played for many hours a day on facebook. During her self-examination she released forty pounds.

If we really want to change and welcoming change into our lives is our priority, then we need to create space for change to happen. We need to open up the conversation within ourselves and within our lives. Being aware that we want to change is the first step. Change doesn't just happen to us, it happens because of us.

Of course, stagnation can create change (which feels like it's happening to us not because of us) but it's not the kind of change any of us likes — in that moment. This kind of change often affects the core of our stability. It's like the "Tower" in Tarot — earth-shaking, life-upsetting, pull-the-carpet-out-from-under-us kind of change. Although this kind of change never feels good at the time, the outcome is always lined with silver!

Years ago, a tarot student of mine was getting the Tower in her cards daily. She really didn't want to see it so she took the card out of her deck. A week later her son was in a horrible accident. He almost died. The silver lining of this situation was the changes that were forced upon him. The path he was on, which was like fog, deeply affecting everything he did. Once the fog was lifted his path changed dramatically. In the end… he was given an opportunity to not follow the path he was on. Such a gift that obviously he wasn't going to embrace without his Guides stepping in and shifting his perspective for him! (In my experience, if you are going to embrace change without the Tower, then the change comes. The Tower is like a last-resort.)

When we make the conscious choice that we want change and have opened up to it, then manifestation is next. Like the Magician in the Tarot, we need to start creating our new reality.

An exercise that I often recommend to clients is to write on a piece of paper with a pencil (as lead is connected to the Earth energy) exactly what it is we want to manifest. I tell them to be precise but not overly so. For example if you are manifesting a new friend (as my daughter has with this exercise) you don't want to say they need blonde hair - since hair colour isn't a necessity in a new friend. But saying you don't want them to indulge in drugs and alcohol is a good thing to add to your list. So be precise in what is truly important. If you are manifesting a new job, what hours are essential? Do you absolutely not want to work on Boxing Day? Do you want to wear a uniform so you don't need to buy as many clothes for work? What's important to you? Really important.

Once you write your list of what it is you want (and don't want), then fold the paper seven times and place it somewhere that it won't be disturbed. A sock drawer works well. Behind your altar works too.

Now release it to the Universe. Let it go. Don't think about it, ponder over it, question it, run it over and over again in your mind. When it enters your mind simply remind yourself that the Universe is handling it and you don't need to focus any energy on it for now and allow your thoughts to drift elsewhere.

Last but not least, remain open to change coming into your life. Doing an affirmation like "I am ready, willing and able to allow change to manifest." is a good way to remain open and yet not interfere with what the Universe is creating for you.

The Universe works on its own timetable. It may take days, weeks, months or years to fully manifest your desires. Being open and patient is essential. Don't give up on your desires simply because they aren't within reach in this moment. If it's something you truly want then time shouldn't be an obstacle. It took me forty-eight years to find the other half of my soul. The work I did on myself in the meantime was essential for us to be together. I am so grateful I had the time to create the best-me I could to be with him.

So whether your changes are something you are manifesting consciously or through stagnation — remember… it'll all be all right in the end. So if it isn't all right then trust me… it's not the end.

Aleesha Sattva

Aleesha Sattva is the Publisher, Editor, Graphic and Web Designer, as well as a Regular Columnist for Timeless Spirit Magazine.

A Raw Foodist, Sivananda Yoga Instructor, and Reiki Master Teacher, who lives her Buddhist, Shamanic, with many eclectic Pagan beliefs, she home-schools one of her three spiritually-enlightened children as her elder children have graduated and moved on to the school of life. Friend (and mother) to them, her life truly is filled with light. In March 2012 her life became even brighter when she and Parz handfasted on the beach in the Bahamas during her Yoga Teachers Training Course at the Sivananda Yoga Ashram.

Aleesha assists her clients using tarot, speaking with their Guides, meditation, Reiki, and BodyTalk. She is also a Raw Food and Fasting Coach. For more information, please contact Aleesha via email, or visit her personal web page.

Formerly: Aleesha Stephenson

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Any advice given is for informational purposes only.