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Tenth Anniversary Issue (and final issue) This word has double meaning for me. One thought screams, "YES! YES! ME TIME!!!" and the other is "Oh my God. That poor individual on contact precautions has nobody, nothing, and people stay out of their room because of the infection." That second definition stinks
it's really difficult to watch my patients spiral into sadness because of forced loneliness. I make it a point during my day to visit those patients and know they're cared for on a deeper level.
However, this time I will be writing about the "YES! YES! ME TIME!!!" Sometimes seclusion is just what I need after a 14-hour day filled with laughter, hugs, tears and a lot of paperwork and phone calls. Solitude and seclusion are very similar to me in this little bubble — I love having a day to myself when I can spend all kinds of hours in my Oasis, reading, sunbathing or just staring at the birds playing in the palm trees. I will sit on my floor and spend an hour stretching my tired, tight muscles, reveling in loving myself and my time with myself.
I believe deeply that it's necessary to be alone with ourselves. While social aspects of life are completely integral to personal growth, nothing sates the soul like being at one with your own spirit for a good length of time. I even steal moments at work, taking an extra deep breath in the medication room before I begin my many assessments. I encourage my patients to take moments for themselves as well. While family visits are amazingly important to healing, so is complete rest.
We have just started a new experiment on our unit, thanks to the hard work of one of our advanced nurses. She researched the benefits of quiet time on healing, so we have implemented "Siesta Time" between two and three in the afternoon. Lights go down, phones go on vibrate, and we try to schedule medication administration before or after this hour. A quiet announcement is made, inviting family to step out for the next hour so their loved ones might rest. Full and complete holistic rest is a beautiful, beautiful thing for our very special patients. It also gives the staff a chance to catch up on charting and, perhaps, taking an extra cleansing breath for ourselves. Ahhhh
As Timeless Spirit nears its time of inactivity, I am going to concentrate on furthering my own education and spreading energetic joy to my patients, family and loved ones. I appreciate being a part of this adventure, and harbour absolute love for the chance to share myself with you. Many blessings and much love.
Corinne is a Bachelor's-prepared Registered Nurse and loves every minute she spends with her patients. Her goal is to bring awareness to the benefits of palliative and holistic care for all patients, and has thus begun her journey in Healing Touch certification. She plans on returning to school in the near future to earn her Doctor of Nursing Practice degree. In her "spare time", she enjoys sharing her creative spirit on her blog, Seeds of Coriander.
Corinne lives in California with two very spoiled kitties and her partner, Troy. She is also blessed to have her family nearby.
A Spiritually Enlightening Online Magazine
November's Theme: "Secluded"
Volume 11 Issue 1 ISSN# 1708-3265
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Aleesha Sattva
Eleanor Leonne Bennett
Parzival Sattva
John Ptacek
Corinne MacEgan
Julie Hoyle
Shaman Elder Maggie Wahls
Nicole Gardner
Dawn Baumann Brunke
Aleesha Sattva
Crystal Blanton, HPs
Phil Kotofskie
with Aleesha Sattva
Tarot Deck Reviews:
with Dan Pelletier
Evan T. Pritchard
Jimmy Be Free
Seclusion or "YES! YES! ME TIME!!!"
by Corinne MacEgan
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